NWN Newbie -- Links, Mods?
(too old to reply)
2006-10-01 16:25:24 UTC
Hey there everyone!

I just started playing NWN a couple of weeks ago and the game is
awesome -- it is an incredible game and I'm enjoying every minute of

The thing is, I've been reading about mods and addons and things like
that and I have no clue as to what they are -- could some kind soul
post some links to get me started on the right path? I haven't a clue
where to start.

BTW, my character is a thief/sorceress and I just started the Second
Act and can't wait to explore Port Llast and the surrounding areas..!

Thanks in advance!
"I've lost my harmonica, Albert."
2006-10-01 16:40:28 UTC
Well most mods are at the NWN Vault -


There are a lot of other sites but there is more than enough there to start
fiddling with the game to change things around a bit.

Best wishes
Post by M.B.
Hey there everyone!
I just started playing NWN a couple of weeks ago and the game is
awesome -- it is an incredible game and I'm enjoying every minute of
The thing is, I've been reading about mods and addons and things like
that and I have no clue as to what they are -- could some kind soul
post some links to get me started on the right path? I haven't a clue
where to start.
BTW, my character is a thief/sorceress and I just started the Second
Act and can't wait to explore Port Llast and the surrounding areas..!
Thanks in advance!
"I've lost my harmonica, Albert."
2006-10-01 17:52:35 UTC
The NWN Vault is certainly where you want to go. Be sure to pay careful
attention to the description, it'll tell you what is required to play
the module (i.e. SoU, HotU, CEP, etc.). The main module file (.mod)
goes in the modules directory of your NWN folder. There may also be
hack Packs (.hak) which go in your hak directory. Likewise, .bmu in the
music directory, .bik in the mov
Post by Maxon
Well most mods are at the NWN Vault -
There are a lot of other sites but there is more than enough there to start
fiddling with the game to change things around a bit.
Best wishes
Post by M.B.
Hey there everyone!
I just started playing NWN a couple of weeks ago and the game is
awesome -- it is an incredible game and I'm enjoying every minute of
The thing is, I've been reading about mods and addons and things like
that and I have no clue as to what they are -- could some kind soul
post some links to get me started on the right path? I haven't a clue
where to start.
BTW, my character is a thief/sorceress and I just started the Second
Act and can't wait to explore Port Llast and the surrounding areas..!
Thanks in advance!
"I've lost my harmonica, Albert."


------ Don't worry about avoiding temptation . as you grow older, it
will avoid you.
-- Winston Churchill
2006-10-01 17:58:27 UTC
I cut my own self off in the last post... sheesh. here's the whole
thing. Sorry about the double post.
Post by Dawnseeker
The NWN Vault is certainly where you want to go. Be sure to pay careful
attention to the description, it'll tell you what is required to play the
module (i.e. SoU, HotU, CEP, etc.). The main module file (.mod) goes in the
modules directory of your NWN folder. There may also be hack Packs (.hak)
which go in your hak directory. Likewise, .bmu in the music directory, .bik
in the movies directory, .tlk in the tlk directory (if you don't have one,
make one)
.bic in the localvault directory, etc. The readme files included
usually give very detailed instructions. There are a lot of great
modules out there... happy hunting!
Post by Dawnseeker
Post by Maxon
Well most mods are at the NWN Vault -
There are a lot of other sites but there is more than enough there to start
fiddling with the game to change things around a bit.
Best wishes
Post by M.B.
Hey there everyone!
I just started playing NWN a couple of weeks ago and the game is
awesome -- it is an incredible game and I'm enjoying every minute of
The thing is, I've been reading about mods and addons and things like
that and I have no clue as to what they are -- could some kind soul
post some links to get me started on the right path? I haven't a clue
where to start.
BTW, my character is a thief/sorceress and I just started the Second
Act and can't wait to explore Port Llast and the surrounding areas..!
Thanks in advance!
-- "I've lost my harmonica, Albert."


------ Don't worry about avoiding temptation . as you grow older, it
will avoid you.
-- Winston Churchill
Manky Badger
2006-10-01 21:03:52 UTC
Post by M.B.
Hey there everyone!
I just started playing NWN a couple of weeks ago and the game is
awesome -- it is an incredible game and I'm enjoying every minute of
The thing is, I've been reading about mods and addons and things like
that and I have no clue as to what they are -- could some kind soul
post some links to get me started on the right path? I haven't a clue
where to start.
http://nwvault.ign.com/ is the place to start - if you have trouble, delete
your cookies - worked for me ;o)


I liked:

No rest for the wicked

Took an hour - nice little mod

Rite of Ascension

Part 1 - Very good, but toward the end the Mayor I'm supposed to talk to
only wants to fight.

Part 2 - Excellent

Part 3 - Excellent

Errand for the Lady

Nice little game - short,though

Blaak Chronicles

Ep 5 looks like it's just walking around, but it's not !

His Fathers Sword

Short but OK


OK - lasted a week or so

Fate of Daggerdale

LOADS to do, but with no readme I soon lost the plot


Very Good !!!

Shadows of a King's Justice - Luremaster - Heart of Winter

First one has no walkthrough, but all are good !!

The Fate of Neverwinter

OK - but HARD with low level character so I gave up.

Midwinter Festival

Took a while to get going, but was good.

Shadows over Heliopolis

Was OK

Plenty of Pilgrims

Good - lasted three hours. Not too much fighting - lots of puzzles

Threat of Dreams

Part 1 Good - lasted about four hours

Part 2 Good but it impossible without using the walkthrough. Lasted a week

Crimson Cherry

Good but no re-spawn - if you die, it's out & re-load.

Hex Coda

Really Good

Heroes of Ildara

40 Quests !!

Siege of Shadowdale

Good but end up with unkill-able villain (for my druid) - try with fighter

Crimson Tides of Tethyr

Really good

Dastards Morrow

Took 10 days - some very hard fighting in there, but plot quite easy to


Very short - about three hours, but good !!

Runes of Blood

Good - long, fun, but...

.. Gave up as eventually my character wasn't up to it. Need either a STRONG
fighter or a GOOD rogue. My rogue was crap.

Dance with Rogues 1 & 2

VERY good - lots to do, but as it goes on there's some TOUGH fights - I took
six barbarian levels & STILL had to cheat on the fights.

The fights spoil the module.

Darkness over Daggerford

Excellent - lots to do, puzzles to solve, fun & and manageable fights.

In the Company of Thieves 1 & 2

Nice little mods - finished both in two nights

I didn't like:

Under Siege

No one talks - no journal

Eye of the beholder

endless mazes with no clues

Steading of the Hill Giants

No Journal entries

Supposed friends become enemies for no reason

Black Mass

No journal, but OK. In the end gave up as couldn't find the last rune

Tale of a Mage

Started good but in the end I got stuck

Neverwinter Evil

Just Hack n Slash - dull !


Return to Ravenloft - I got stuck in a dungeon & can get nowhere !

Ravenloft beyond the gate - can't kill Listue so I gave up

The Land of Aasimars

Tries to be funny. Fails


Gave up - nothing happening & no walkthrough

In Search of Adventure

A lot of searching for the adventure !
2006-10-02 12:56:33 UTC
Post by Manky Badger
Post by M.B.
The thing is, I've been reading about mods and addons and things like
that and I have no clue as to what they are -- could some kind soul
post some links to get me started on the right path? I haven't a clue
where to start.
http://nwvault.ign.com/ is the place to start - if you have trouble, delete
your cookies - worked for me ;o)
<snipped list>

Wow, manky, that's a nice list with comments!
Only comments I have to add - try the Hall of Fame. A lot of those are
older modules, but still good.

You may like the Shadowlords/Dreamcatcher series by Adam Miller; people
either loved them or hated them (mostly liked, imo)

Ditto with A Harper's Tale series and the Sands of Fate series - these
latter tends towards hack n slash.

I liked Lords of Darkness though you are railroaded in some parts to
move the story forward, and I found Careena-Krakona Rising interesting
as well. And so far, Mines of Twin Summits (if I'm remembering the
module name correctly) was an epic module series where the "you are
affecting the fate of the world as we know it" actually makes sense.
Manky Badger
2006-10-03 22:10:30 UTC
Post by a***@yahoo.com
Post by Manky Badger
Post by M.B.
The thing is, I've been reading about mods and addons and things like
that and I have no clue as to what they are -- could some kind soul
post some links to get me started on the right path? I haven't a clue
where to start.
http://nwvault.ign.com/ is the place to start - if you have trouble, delete
your cookies - worked for me ;o)
<snipped list>
Wow, manky, that's a nice list with comments!
Only comments I have to add - try the Hall of Fame. A lot of those are
older modules, but still good.
You may like the Shadowlords/Dreamcatcher series by Adam Miller; people
either loved them or hated them (mostly liked, imo)
Ditto with A Harper's Tale series and the Sands of Fate series - these
latter tends towards hack n slash.
I liked Lords of Darkness though you are railroaded in some parts to
move the story forward, and I found Careena-Krakona Rising interesting
as well. And so far, Mines of Twin Summits (if I'm remembering the
module name correctly) was an epic module series where the "you are
affecting the fate of the world as we know it" actually makes sense.
Cheers for the recommendations - I'll try those.
After starting mods only to find they seemed familiar I thought I'd better
keep a list of what ones I've done :o)

2006-10-01 23:24:42 UTC
Thanks everyone for the links -- I'm like a kid in a candystore! :)
"I've lost my harmonica, Albert."
2006-10-02 12:57:16 UTC
Post by M.B.
Thanks everyone for the links -- I'm like a kid in a candystore! :)
A free candystore, at that! ;-)