How to open locked door in Colmarr's shop?
(too old to reply)
Tony Freeman
2017-04-09 03:22:40 UTC
Been playing NWN ... and the first time round I wondered how to get the locked door in Colmarr's shop open (in Luskan).

I try to unlock and the note says 'A specific key is required to open that object.'

I'm playing again with a more powerful wizard and still have not found a key. I even tried killing Colmarr and his Store Guardian but neither of them dropped loot or a key.

Has anyone been able to open that door?
Anonymous Jack
2017-04-18 12:03:25 UTC
Post by Tony Freeman
Been playing NWN ... and the first time round I wondered how to get the locked door in Colmarr's shop open (in Luskan).
Has anyone been able to open that door?
It's been a decade since I played any of the original content (the user-made content/modules is why I still play today), but here is an FAQ that might answer your question. I can't tell/read it because I am at work and game sites are blocked. Pretty much, if you search for "Colmarr's shop open door Luskan" you should come across som FAQs/waltkthroughs

Anonymous Jack
2017-04-18 12:07:52 UTC
Post by Anonymous Jack
Post by Tony Freeman
Been playing NWN ... and the first time round I wondered how to get the locked door in Colmarr's shop open (in Luskan).
Has anyone been able to open that door?
It's been a decade since I played any of the original content (the user-made content/modules is why I still play today), but here is an FAQ that might answer your question. I can't tell/read it because I am at work and game sites are blocked. Pretty much, if you search for "Colmarr's shop open door Luskan" you should come across som FAQs/waltkthroughs
Did you read this?
